Leave No Girl Behind International

Empowerment through Leadership. 

Because empowered girls create an Empowered world

Leave No Girl Behind International creates a space for young women to honour and step fully into their deepest sense of self, live out their personal truths, and allow their inner Light to radiate out to the world. It's a space for young women to BE fully, freely and UN-apologetically themselves!

Leave No Girl Behind Int.

Leave No Girl Behind International is a non-profit organisation (founded in 2013), that empowers girls and young women through leadership programs. 

We provide the environment, opportunity and tools for every girl who joins the Leave No Girl Behind Int tribe, to find her voice, expand her world, explore her abilities and talents, and contribute to her community and the world

We believe that peace in our world is through female empowerment.

We Believe:

An empowered girl creates an empowered world.

Inner peace contributes to outer peace.

Creating a safe space for free expression is conducive to growth.

As individuals we get to BE the change we wish to see in our evolving world

Honouring our interconnectedness with all BE-ings and Mother Earth is essential for honouring self.

Intention and purpose matters - Love, Strength, Courage, Freedom, Equality and Unity are our 6 foundational principles.

It is time! It is time to nurture female leadership – young women rising into their potential, developing a global perspective, networking beyond borders, and leading in a heart-centered way.

Our Vision

A world where female leadership is honoured and embraced, where all citizens are included, regardless of gender; a world where we all come to the collective table, knowing that our strength is in our diversity and every BE-ing is a valued contributor.

Our Mission

Female empowerment (12 years and up) through heart-centered leadership programs - a contribution to an interconnected world with a unitive way of BE-ing, for the highest good of all life forms.

Our Values

Our organisation and all our programs are based on our 6 foundational principles of Love, Strength, Courage, Freedom, Unity and Equality.

6 Principles of Leave No Girl Behind

Explore the 6 principles:

All our programs and projects are built around these 6 principles.  They serve as a guideline for both our programs and  for life!

**Click on an image to read more about each principle.


All love begins with self-love, and with this comes a sense of self-worth and respect for self. It is by coming from a place of love that one can act with compassion and one’s motives are pure.

  • Love is having respect and compassion for yourself.
  • Love is having respect and compassion for others.
  • Love is accepting every part of yourself unconditionally.
  • Love is recognising others for who they are and accepting that they are worthy too.
  • Love is finding gratitude for all your experiences and for life.
  • Love is forgiving yourself for not fulfilling your own expectations of yourself.
  • Love is giving without the expectation of receiving.
  • Loving yourself means being able to walk away when others disrespect you or put you down.
  • Love is recognising the worthiness in you so that you will not allow anyone to treat you badly.


Strength of character determines who you become. It means having the strength to walk unbowed and be in alignment with your personal sense of what is right, having the strength to stand alone or to say no when others are saying yes.

  • Strength is you deciding to get to know yourself.
  • Strength is saying no when you need to say no.
  • Strength is recognising the importance of YOU in your life and acting on that.
  • Strength is standing up for what you believe in.
  • Strength is standing up for others when they are standing alone and need a friend.
  • Strength is living your truth.
  • Strength is standing up for the right of others to live their own truths.
  • Strength is speaking out even when it is hard.


It takes courage to be who you are instead of trying to fit in. It also takes courage to walk a path you’ve never walked before. Courage is the first step towards success of any kind.

  • Courage is being YOU no matter what.
  • Courage is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Courage is pushing past what you thought were your limits.
  • Courage is speaking your truth.
  • Courage is standing by others while they speak their truths.
  • Courage is taking action in the face of fear.


Freedom lies in using your voice. With freedom comes the responsibility to speak for those whose voices have been silenced. With freedom comes the opportunity to create change in our world.

  • Freedom is the knowing that you belong to yourself.
  • Freedom is being open to new things and new ideas.
  • Freedom is the right to choose.
  • Freedom is marching to your own drummer.
  • Freedom is growing at your own pace.
  • Freedom is in not conforming to others’ expectations, but being true to yourself.
  • Freedom is allowing others to be who they are without your judgement.
    Freedom is in not trying to control others to fit into your world.
    Freedom is in not trying to control everything.


When we take away the borders and boundaries that separate us, we are all global citizens of our world. It is in creating positive change for our world that we create positive change for ourselves.

  • Unity is finding the sameness in you and in others, no matter how different you are.
  • Unity is the knowing that together we can accomplish so much more.
  • Unity is the knowing that boundaries and borders only exist in one’s mind.
  • Unity is joining together with others to make a positive difference.
  • Unity is thinking beyond yourself and your own world.
  • Unity is stepping out and understanding others no matter how uncomfortable it may be.


All human beings are entitled to the same human rights regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, sex, political affiliations, or any other characteristics which are used to define them.

  •  Equality is recognising that all beings have value.
  • Equality is in recognising that the same worthiness that is in you is in all other beings too.
  • Equality is all people having equal rights to be who they are.
  • Equality is not one size fits all!
  • Equality is in recognising that individuality matters in all beings.
  • Equality is in standing up for that value in all beings.